This industry study encompasses extensive research related to the state of the affordable housing industry and pressing need to evolve the delivery of compliance required resident services. Countless organizations, affordable housing operators, and industry advocates contributed tremendous guidance, insights, and resources throughout the development of this expansive in-depth report. This study is one of the most comprehensive compilations of data, independent research, and industry survey participation to ever be produced on this subject.
The reasons for the current and future success of electronic resident services are clear. Resident services should not be measured by how much is spent on programs; instead, success should be evaluated by the effectiveness of the program itself. This industry study demonstrates the ability to electronically deliver services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. With the power of web-based platforms, more residents can be reached, detailed information delivered, and an outdated program can be redefined by a modern, 21st century solution.
With the evolution of mobile, social, and localized search, interaction with modern renters is now dramatically different. Our research evaluates technology utilization across a broad spectrum of subjects and focuses on its effect upon the multifamily housing industry. Whether you cater to market-rate, affordable properties or student-oriented communities, our research projects will shed light on how your prospects and residents are viewing your community online.
Get the facts on how we can reduce costs by automating your community. Schedule a demo today with one of our product engineers. No slick sales guys here, just tech gurus that let our award-winning platform do the talking.
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